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Woodvale Primary Academy


RE at Woodvale Primary Academy

At Woodvale we believe our RE curriculum should reflect the rich and diverse community here in Northampton, across the UK and across the world. Children at our school learn about all major religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Sikhism) and also learn about a non-religious world view (Humanism) in Year 6. Throughout our RE curriculum, our children are encouraged to explore different religions, engage with their knowledge, and reflect on their learning and their lives.

“RE makes a valuable contribution to pupils’ personal development and to their understanding of the wider world. “

(The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE)


Oracy - Discussion, storytelling and engaging activities sit at the heart of our RE curriculum. From thought-provoking debates on moral dilemmas to retelling sacred texts, our children develop invaluable communication skills whilst forging respect for different beliefs. We aim for our children to become compassionate, articulate and culturally aware individuals. 

Diversity - The Religious Education curriculum at Woodvale celebrates the rich tapestry of religious diversity locally, nationally and globally. From exploring Diwali's significance to understanding the spirit of Ramadan, our children develop an understanding of and respect for different faiths. Commonalities as well as differences are highlighted and we believe in nurturing open minds that embrace religious diversity. 

Social Intelligence - our RE curriculum aims to encourage empathy, tolerance and respect with our children embracing diversity and practising compassion. Social intelligence is woven into lessons on ethical challenges, understanding different cultural practices and promoting kindness. We aim to develop not just knowledgeable minds but also kind and empathetic hearts. 

As a school, we have adopted the Discovery RE Scheme of Work, which meets the requirements of the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education in Northamptonshire. Our RE curriculum ensures our children benefit from an enquiry-based approach to their learning. Our approach to RE, in line with the Discovery RE scheme, enables our children’s knowledge and understanding of, and empathy with people and their beliefs, religious or otherwise, to be enhanced. RE lessons at Woodvale provide children with a learning experience to look forward to, and provides them with a safe enquiry space that encourages deep questioning, enhances critical thinking and evaluation skills, supports spiritual development and equips our children to celebrate diversity.

In each year we take a term to introduce students to a new religion. In Year 1 children are introduced to Judaism, Islam in Year 2, Hinduism in Year 3,  Buddhism in Year 4, Sikhism in Year 5 and Humanism in Year 6. Christianity is taught in each year group across the school.

Through a process of engagement, investigation, expression and evaluation, our RE curriculum enhances our children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.  With the focus of each enquiry into religious beliefs on “Big Questions”, our curriculum develops an awareness of the fundamental questions through children’s own experiences. This enables our children to respond to such questions with reference to the teachings and practices of religions and other belief systems, relating them to their own beliefs, values and experiences in the light of their learning.

“Learning in RE helps to underpin the development of respect and tolerance and supports school values and the preparation of pupils for life in modern Britain.”

(The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education (NATRE)


Parental Right to Withdraw from Religious Education (RE)

We respect the rights of parents and carers regarding their child’s education. Under current legislation, parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of Religious Education (RE) lessons. This includes activities related to Religious Education that do not form part of the statutory National Curriculum.

If you wish to exercise this right, we ask that you inform the school in writing, detailing whether you are withdrawing your child from all or specific parts of the RE curriculum. We are happy to discuss any concerns you may have and provide further information to help you make an informed decision.