World Book Day
To celebrate World Book Day, we are going to have lots of special reading activities going on throughout the day including book sharing, videos and competitions.
As part of this, please come dressed as a character from a book. There are lots of examples online if you need help with ideas. It would be lovely if you bring in the book that the character comes from to share with your friends.
Also, we are challenging you to enter our ‘Guess the Secret Story’ competition! In a shoe box or bag you’ve decorated, children create a range of clues that would lead us to their secret story! For example, a ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ box might contain an empty porridge packet, three Lego chairs and some bear paw prints. Please bring in your named entries into your class in the morning. Mr Reetz will then choose his favourite ‘Secret Story’ box/bag from each class and the winners will receive a prize as well as their box displayed on the special Reading display in the ICT Suite.
As ever, thank you very much for your support.
Mr Watt
Reading Leader